Just recently I mentioned in a post how much blogging has been such a positive expereince for me. Not just creatively but because in the short time I've been doing this I've met the nicest people. Visiting a blog is alot like visiting someone's home. You get to peek into their lives. Laugh, smile, sometimes cry, find support or feel inspired. I always look forward to checking updates to see what's new with my bloggy friends.
Well one of those friends surprised me today with my very first award! Leanne from From Chaos Comes Happiness included me in her list of friends to receive the Happy 101 Award! She always leaves me the nicest comments. Leanne's blog is one of MY favorite places because she never fails to make me smile. The first comment I left for her was on a Mr Bunny and poinsetta post that had me rolling on the floor. Thank you Leanne for the award, the comments and the smiles!
I also get to share 10 things that make me happy!
- Sharing a laugh with my son.
- Pancakes with my husband.
- A girl day all to myself.
- Creating late, late, late at night.
- Talking to my cat Luna
- Phone call to my mom every night.
- Finding an awesome deal at the thrift store.
- Realizing there's a chocolate chip cookie left in the bag.
- Seeing the first pumpkin in Fall.
- A wild garden filled with flowers.
Now I'd like to pass it on to the ladies that inspire me, put a smile on my face and simply make my day!
1. LV from Thoughts From Meme's Corner
(This gracious 80 yr young lady puts bloggers 1/4 her age to shame! She is truly an inspiration.)
2. Karen from Aspiring Creations
(A very creative mom raising 2 adorable boys, 1 with Autism.
She was the very 1st person who left me a comment and hearing from her always makes my day.)
3. Lauren from LaureNspired
(Visiting her blog just makes me want to have a cupcake...and I really don't need an excuse to have one!
I love her cupcake ratings!
4. Maggie from Do these shoes match this purse?
(Maggie is frank, honest and wickedly witty! And I gotta love someone who loves pink shoes too!)
Thanks for being inspiring, creative, witty bloggy friends!

Congrats on your Happy 101 Reward! You have truly made my day and I appreciate that you always leave such nice comments on my blog. I have to say that I am TRULY INSPIRED and glad to have met you my bloggy friend!
HUGS, Karen
Congrats on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me!!! Thank you!
I am happy to see someone like you receive awards. I thought the first one I got, was such a blessing. Never thought I would get one. I am honored you wish to give this award to me. I appreciate it very much. Also, most of all I thank you for the kind words. I may be 80 but not ready for the rocking chair yet.
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