may day crown for a queen...sort of

Happy Pink Saturday!

The 1st of May is celebrated by many cultures as May Day.
The UK and Hawaii to name a few. It's a beautiful festival of flowers
and a young girl is often chosen to be the May Day Queen.
There's also the traditional Maypole and Maypole dance.

Sadly no one I know is having a May Day celebration.
Not even my very English in-laws.

So I decided to create my own merriment and  fashion
a royal crown fit for a Pink Saturday May Day queen.

Seeing that the only young girl in my household seems attatched to 4 little paws,
is of the feline variety and thus opposed to sporting any sort of headgear,
royal or not, I declared myself Queen!

It had to be pink naturally.
I used scrapbook paper, sheet music, velvet flowers,
lace, glitter, leaves...keys. I even added an
old sparkly green pin.

And when it was all finished.... was just a smidge small for my sleepy head.
At least a big gust of wind won't blow it away.

Silly enough don't you think?

 So on May Day I'm going to prance about in my garden
and be grateful for the beautiful flowers in bloom.

I should do this while the nice neighbors are still asleep I think.
So as not to startle them in case I get carried away.

Maybe I can share a cupcake or two with the fairies
or at least a few kibbles with the neighborhood kitties.

Happy May Day and Pink Saturday!

Visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more lovely pinks!
Oh and be sure to congratulate her for being featured in the next Artful Blogging!
Isn't that magnificent? I love that magazine!

♥  ♥  ♥


Debbie's L'Bri said...

We don't have a May day party as such. My youngest daughter was born the first Saturday of May with it the month of our Blessed Mother.
So my daughters name is Mary and she will be 11 years old tomorrow. We a will be going the the Jelly Belly Factory tomorrow for the tour.

Regina said...

Happy Pink Saturday!
How lovely! Enjoy the weekend.

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

such pretty hat! great party hat to celebrate May day! fit for a May day Queen!.. Happy PS!

Susie Jefferson said...

What a great idea, and I love that crown. Queen for a day - May Day!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Betty said...

Happy Pink Saturday! I hope you had fun prancing around in your May Day crown!

Petunia said...

I did get to do a quick prance in the garden this morning. Long enough to say hellooo to Lalou the cat. My Luna didn't like that but she was ok after I gave her breakfast. Then I wore my crown while I worked on a little project for a few hours. Happy Pink Saturday!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a pretty crown! Enjoy your Happy May Day dance!LOL!

Sue said...

Loved visiting your blog and became a follower!

Anonymous said...

I have an award waiting for you at Reminder List. :)

LoveMeDaily said...

Found you through Miel's Saturday Sharefest!

Your blog is like icing for my eyes!!! Except I don't think I could ever have enough of your blog, not like the amount of icing I had tonight (which I may never have again, but, I have said that before...)

This crown is sweet! and so are your dresses! These are such beautiful projects. And your photography is wonderful. You've given me much inspiration for projects with my daughter.