Hello and welcome my pretties! I'm so glad you received my invitation. I see you followed Edgar through the Dark Woods and found the moonlit path. Oh that Edgar is such a helpful dear. I don't know how I would have made it through October without him!
Come this way. I see the moon just starting to rise above the treetops. I've been waiting for you and I'm so excited to have you over. I'm getting tingles all the way down to my witchy toes!
That's such a lovely broom you flew in on....I love the sparkles on the bristles! You can park it over here by this tree stump if you like.
Would you like to keep your cloak on? There's a delicious chill in the air this evening.
Welcome to my Autumn tea party! I worked on this brew all week long. It's an old recipe handed down to me by my great great great Aunt Imogen. Her woodland tea parties were legendary.
Go ahead. Grab a tea cup and I'll pour.
I love the smell of Autumn tea. Cinnamon, apple, caramel and spice...and just a hint of candy corn.
I got up before dawn this morning. I've been waiting all year for it and I knew with tonight's full moon I would find it. It's hidden deep in the woods. In the very darkest part so you have to summon up all your courage to get there. I did with Luna by my side and there it was, just beyond the goblins pumpkin patch....wondrous Fairy Lights! The faeries must have had their party last night and if you're a lucky witch they might leave one of their lanterns for you to find!
But alas the lovely light will only last through this night's full moon. Then just like the enchanted month of October it will be gone all too soon...
Oh but let's not think about such dreadful things. Our party is in full swing and there are sweets and treats waiting for you on my witchy table.
Did you fly by the moon on your way over here? Flying always gets my sweet tooth going. It must be the crispy Autumn air...I think it smells like baking apples and crunchy leaves!
It wouldn't be a tea party without chocolate frosted cupcakes...

....and buttery sugar cookies with pumpkin sprinkles.
These are my Charmed Tea Spoons. I found them at The Magic Broom Closet on my way to the Halloween party last week. They add just the right amount of sweetness to your tea and you never have to stir! What will those crafty witches think of next?
Goodness...I've forgotten my manners! Some of you might have already met my Lucinda. She never misses a tea party when she isn't busy keeping me inspired in my little work studio.
And Oliver came with his newest friend Blossom. She has a fascinating tale to tell...
Blossom was once part of a traveling circus. A band of woodland thieves that traveled from grove to grove putting on a rag tag show. Blossom was part of the trapeze act but she hated that life and longed to be free. She wanted to live somewhere where she could inspire others with her beauty.
One day a most magical fairy came to see the show. She was wearing a glorious cloak covered with flowers and butterflies. When the fairy wandered around the grounds exploring the caravans Blossom jumped into her pocket and went home with her. You can imagine the fairy's surprise when she reached into her pocket for a lemon gumdrop.
Blossom lived with the magical fairy for a time. Inspiring her to create such wondrous art. One day the fairy said "Blossom you have inspired me everyday and now it's time for you inspire others. You shall go to live with a whimsical witch who will treasure you and shower you with sparkles and spells."
Blossom agreed. That fairy happened to be a dear friend of mine. And that's how Blossom came to live with me.
Oh I think more guests have arrived! Welcome, welcome!
There's lots more tea and sweets left for everyone.
I just brewed another pot.
Fresh candy corn. Grab a handful before they're all gone! Does anyone really know where candy corn comes from?
How about a licorice wand? I ordered these from Honeydukes just for our party.
Don't forget to cast your spells on this most magical night. I have a few planned for later once Luna returns from her moonlight wandering.
I felt a stronger chill in that last breeze. It made my wind chimes play a festive goblin tune. I love the sound these enchanted spoons and forks make. They make me think of a gypsy wagon rolling through the woods, overfilled with baubles and wares. I was gifted this magical object by still another lovely fairy friend!
We are being watched I believe. By a silent guest with a message that the time is near for our revelry to come to an end.
The moon is higher now and the sky grows darker still. It's time for you to make your way back through the Dark Woods and on to visit all the other amazing tea parties.
I thank you for playing with me here in the autumn woods and for joining me for my first Tea Party Under a Halloween Moon. I truly had a magical time. There's still a whole week left of enchanted October and of course the BIG day we've all been waiting for is still to come.
And now I shall have one last bite of frosting and a final sip of tea before I dust off my broom and fly away to visit you! Please make sure to leave a comment with the link to your party post. That way everyone can visit you anytime even after I have taken the guest list down.
I have a little treat to giveaway if you leave a comment and I will draw a winner on Halloween night. Along with a bag of Autumn treats the winner will also receive their choice of the latest issue of one of these Stampington magazines. They're all so inspiring I would have a hard time choosing one too!
Finally I leave you with one last poem about my very favorite month...
October's Party
October gave a party
The leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
I'd also like to say thank you to two lovely faerie friends. Marfi who made Blossom, the adorable flower baby. And Theresa who gave me the beautiful wind chimes (handmade by her talented husband) which I won from her Practical Magic party giveaway. Thank you both. You are truly magical!
Hello everyone! I'm adding the link to Victoria's post here from Heart of a Wizardess. She posted early and will join us again later.
Heart of a Wizardess
Thankyou so much - your party has been lovely. I arrived a little late but the moon was still up (I ws the silent observer, you probably sensed my presence from a distance) the wind carried my with the help of my neighbours black sun parasol! it worked like a parachute. Please try it when you visit mine on Saturday 30th (you will already know about this by telepathic invitation of course) ... I have had too much cinnamon in my tea but it has been fun and as the sun rises I will creep back to bed with dreams of your lovely party. xxx
what a magical post!!! fantastic photos and story!!!!
That was deliciously magical.
I loved it truly...and Blossom's story is beautiful(and so true!)
I have yet to put my party up..I couldnt resist coming to visit yours first...
Thank you Anna, you are a spellbinder,!
I'll be returning to post my party link later.
Ooh, what a fantastical and wonderous full moon tea party! Thank you so much for hosting and inviting me. I had such a lovely time, and everything was so delicious! I won't be able to post my party 'til Saturday night, but hopefully you will visit me then? Anything tea related is my absolute favorite!
Thanks so much for inviting me to your magickal tea party! Please come have a brew with me at my blog:
Your Magical & Enchanting Full Moon Tea Party Is FABULOUS!!! Wonderful giveaways! Thank you for inviting me & all my cat familiars...
Love your beautiful blog & all your PICs. Halloween is my favorite holiday as well. October 23 is my third Blogoversary, so October is a spooktacular celebration month.
Please fly by for my giveaways too...
Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy
My Haunted Halloween Party Link:
What a wonderful post, Anna! Such a welcome.... love the graphics, and those sugar cookies look divine.... thank you for hosting this Tea Party.... I've only just arrived, but I'm sure it will be as much fun as the PM Blog party was.... and I hope you found your lost sock!
hugs and blessings from Australia,
How enchanting this wonderous world of yours! It did afford me tingles all the way down to my witchy toes, and out my striped sock tips, too! Your "charming" charms!
Cellar Door just put the kettle on:
Merry Postscript: A plethora of thank-yous for being our Tea Party Under a Halloween Moon hostess (with the mostest)!
what a magical post!!!
Thanks for inviting me to your magickal tea party!
In my blog I have translator
Happy halloween!!
As always, delightfully enchanting. Thank you for hosting and showing us the way.
My post is here http://dmuseit.wordpress.com/2010/10/23/partying-beneath-a-halloween-moon/ and I have a special guest at my party as well.
I was not aware of one of the magazines. Thanks for introducing me.
Hi Anna, I truly loved everything about your Tea Party. There was so much to see and do, as well as taste all your sweet treats. Your Raven was the best, he showed me the way. What a great treat having a full moon as well.
Hello Anna - Thank you for inviting Witchy, Rowan, Aunt Clara and the other Fairy Godmother's to your Tea Party. Here is our link to our party. http://witchygodmother.blogspot.com/2010/10/cottage-tales-tea-party-under-full-moon.html
I loved every moment at your party and I do hope you enjoy my small contribution. - Hugs and sparkles - WG
Hello!!! i have returned because it was too enchanting the first timme...the cupcakes look so so yummy! I can almost smell the chocolate frosting...my party is all set and ready....hope you have as much fun there as I had here!!
Click me!
Dear Anna the tea was just what I needed after the lond broom ride . thank you so much for the invite.
Hugs and boos your dear witchy friend Wendy...
and remember my tea party in in the weeping wood turn a left at broom town until you see the witch light...http://blissangels.blogspot.com
I so enjoyed your Magical tea party! Everything was oh so tasty. I loved meeting Blossom. I've left the party happy, full and inspired so thank you very much!
Thank you so much...what a beautiful blog. Your photos and artwork are brilliant. Would love to be included in your giveaway. Hugs, Nan
Delightful and delicious! Thank you so much for inviting me!
Gentle hugs...
Beautiful story! Here is my link!
You've created such a wonder filled party! Everything was so lovely, from the photos to the story! Thank you so much for putting this together! Here is my link to my party!
Thanks for the cupcakes and candycorn, and oh, the black licorice.
Fantastic post, you are so creative.
Thanks for hosting.
Thank you for hosting the tea party, your tea party post is so beautiful!
Hi Anna,
What an enchanting and magical party!!!!!Hope you'll stop by mine. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Oh my!! This was truly a magical tea party! Thank you so much for the treats and tea. So lovely! I had a wonderful time!!
Please visit me when you can...
And thank you for the chance to play!!! ;) Such fun!!!
I totally love your Tea Party! It was such a wonderful idea! Please come check mine out!
Beautiful post :-)
Good Evening, Anna! I'm so happy to be here and share in the delights you've set out for us! What a treat! I promise I won't play any tricks on you!
Your post is just delicious and I can't get enough of your glorious pictures! Time to go and conjure a spell and visit some of the other lovely hostesses . . . I'm thinking I'm going to gain some weight what with all the frosting and such!
Looking forward to your visit at my Tea Party . . .
Blessed Be,
Love your post Anna... such a magical party. Enchanting to say the least. Thank you for hosting such a fun blog party. xx
I'll be back to join your party which looks bewitching! Here's my link to my party.
Enchanting, Bewitching, Magikcal Post, Anna!! I hope you would Fly on By to 1313 WitchWood Drive for our Halloween Moon Tea Party Too!! Bring a friend or two!~We're Telling a Story!
Thank you for a delightful visit. I love every bit of magick and fun. You have done a lovely job of giving me goosebumps and shivers and a smile for the road. I'd love to be entered for the give away. Thanks and Halloween Greetings, The Olde Bagg
Hello Anna!
Your Posts are always so Beautiful!Thank You For Hosting this Tea Party! Always Soo Much Fun!
Can Not Wait to get Started on on My Magically Delicious Journey! !
Hugs Everyone!
I did enjoy your tea party. I have just put my post up. Happy weekend to you Hugs Sara
Its Me Again..So Sorry!
I Have a Little Something to Give away to All Friends!
Hugs Again
Thank you so very much for inviting me to your bewitching tea party. I have been unfortunately sick and not been able to do much of anything, but this has truly made this holiday even more special. I love it! I am truly enjoying your party. Thank you!
What a wonderful, magical and mystical tea. Thank you ever so much for inviting me to visit! I'd love to enter the giveaway and hope you'll find time to stop by and visit with me.
My tea party can be found here.
This is so magical and fun. I love you little pumpkin teapot. I could have used that, it would have been perfect. Very fun idea for a party. Thanks for having me!
Happy Hallow's Eve!
Here is mine! Thank you for the fun party!
What an absolutely lovely tea party! I don't have a tea party entry of my own but I sure have enjoyed my visit to yours.
What a LOVELY PARTY!! I am so dizzy from the enchantment! Thank you for inviting me to the tea party of the year!
Please stop by for a tea party for one at Fancilicious Fairylands:)
hi Anna,
thanks for hosting such a lovely and magical tea party! i just love your party!
Thank you so for hosting! Enjoyed your wonderful art and party! Off to visit mroe and to make sugar skulls today! Our tea is also up! - please do come on over to our Tea Party Halloween Tea Party at http://lenorita-lenoramoore.blogspot.com/2010/10/jack-o-lantern-halloween-tea-party.html!
Wounderful tea party, juet love all the spirit that went into makeing this delightful post, and your whole blog, it just great!
I am going to do a little post and I want to get the link thing down, Im not sure how. I know how to post the button, do I email you or post a comment. I am a newbie at blog parties...
Thanks and Happy Halloween ;)
Hi !
I am so sorry I did not see your post about the party until yesterday !
I had / have a party planned each fullmoon for myself & all my gal pals .
So I just posted out Oct. full moon pics & gathering today with your teaparty button ☺
I hope people do get to visit and I'm not to late
here is my link . and I'll keep better track of upcoming party listings ;-)
lov rox
What an amazing and enchanted tea party....thank you so much for this lovely post. Although I was not able to post a tea of my own this time...I was smitten all week long to attend yours!!!!
Spooktackular wonderment!
What a lovely tea party...I was a bit late myself...My broom is having trouble with it's GPS (perhaps witch error?) I enjoyed it so much!! Thank you!
P.S. I guess it's not just my GPS that is off today...oops...http://leapingfrogdesigns.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much for beng our delightful (frightful) hostess! Your soiree has been pure pleasure!!! I am leaving my link eager to partake with the other enchanting guests:-)
Thanks so much for hosting this delightful tea party! All your photos are great! I've had such a magical time here.
Here is the link to my party:
Anna, What a darling and creative blog ou have. I love all your wonderful artistic images.
It was a delight to visit under the halloween moon!
Hi Anna,
What a party that is -- I am so happy that I am invited! :)
Magical photos, magical words -- so very inspiring. :)
Thanks also for your giveaway -- a true Halloween treat!
Your photo's are fantastic,I have enjoyed the tea party under the halloween moon.
I couldn't find Mr Linky to link back to my tea party on LazyonLoblolly.
I LOVE your post, with all it's enchanted Magic!! Thank you :)
My post is finally up after dealing with bad, bad knee pain, then mozilla acting up, then my mom calling, LOL
Come visit!
Halloween hugs,
I had such fun traveling through your post! Wonderful & bravo! Gorgeous photo's! Your blog is so truly inspiring! I'm unsure if I'll be able to post or not. I wasn't able to prepare ahead of time and last week's surgery was much harder on me than expected. I may take this opportunity to write a story if I'm able and share the link later. Of course venturing out into the chilly night to capture images of this full moon would be in order if the story flows... Thanks also for the chance to win one of the Stampington issues! (I have that Artful Blogging and Somerset Life, just fyi). Such delightful fun!
Absolutely beautiful!! If you do this again next year I will have to play.
ok here is my link for tea...
Hi Anna! Your graphics are amazing! So fun and dreamy! What a fun party! here's the link to my tea post!
Dearest Miss Anna,
Oh my my, I am still partying at your place. Thank you for leaving the fairy lights on. You know me....Always late. I am having such a great time looking at all the lovely decor and such wonderfully magical treats. YUMMY!!!
Please stop by for a special cup of tea, and some Magical Wonderland fun.
You have inspired me to go outside and play in the gypsy caravan. It is a perfect Autumn night and the gypsy witch is having fun.
You are just amazing. I am more inspired every time I see a new post.
Spells and Wishes,
Wendy from wonderland
I've only just popped in for a quick nibble, unable to resist the lure of those windchimes and the decadent feast you've laid out for us. I dare say it rivals that of those beyond the veil!
I brought along a little something sweet too. I've placed it beneath a willow just over the way. (http://fortheloveofcreativity.blogspot.com/2010/10/under-halloween-moon-tea-party-part-one.html) Have a nibble, and then if you like, stop by tomorrow evening to see what else appears.
hugs and heart,
I've totally missed the fete, and am devastated that I did not hold up my hostessly duties!!! I plead a dreadful cold which took away all my faculties for anything save Kleenex and coughdrops.
I though of it not ten minutes ago, when I saw the "Marquette" flash on the board at Lawn Tea just now, I just KNEW I'd missed the whole thing. The most mysterious part of this is that I did not KNOW WHERE YOU ARE. Something in the enchantment of it all just told me I'd slept through as if the hedge had grown high and the courtiers languished.
Oh, I WILL go see all the preparations, and I WILL have a party next week. And anyone is SO welcome to drop in.
Your party has been splendid, and I wish I could sing for my supper, but I'm a bit hoarse. I'll just say that I've thoroughly enjoyed every scape and every scent, every vignette, every creature, every color, every glow.
Thank you, thank you for the invitation, and I will never again be so remiss a guest as to stay away from such a splendid evening. It was totally delicious.
I still have lots of goodies left if anyone wants to come for tea with me
I have uploaded my post about my tea party also :) Sadly the cupcakes had to be rescheduled due to time constraints... Thanx for sharing this wonderful idea :)
Loved my visit! Spook-tac-ular! I came over via Rachel at Lawn Tea.
I just flew in on my broom to join the Tea Party under the Halloween Moon - I just love this post its so magickal. Thank you very much for let me join your Tea Party.
Lady Cattra
Here my Tea Party: http://cattrashadowsmagickalworld.blogspot.com/2010/10/tea-party-under-halloween-moon.html
Actual on October 30th my husband & I are hosting a Witch's Ball
Just lovely, thank you so much!
I'm sorry I forgot to update you with my new blog site. If anyone cares to pop in for a visit it is http://seshatmoonwillow.blogspot.com
Oh my...what a delight of a party! I'm swooning from the apple and spices...yummy! Your photos are just a gorgeous eyefull!
Thanks so much for having me ;)
Wow, Anna! You really know how to throw a tea party! Your decorations are awesome! Here is the link to my first ever tea party:
Thanks so much for hosting. You (and your "stuff") is great!
Happy Halloween!
Oh Anna, how magical and enchanting and ethereal and beautiful. I could go on and on, you know. You have done a fabulous job hosting and creating your own wondrous tea party. Your little chimes look right at home with your decor - I'm so happy you are enjoying them. Thank you again for inviting me to play at the Practical Magic party and the Halloween Tea - I'm happy to call you friend. :)
Theresa :)
here is the link to mine http://thriftjunk.blogspot.com/2010/10/tea-party-under-halloween-moon.html
Oops.... sorry for not posting the direct link sooner.... thank you for flying past and reminding me!
hugs and blessings,
Yay, I finally got my party up! Here is the link:
Hi Anna, I forgot to say I do not get any of the somerset mags. they are kind of out of my expense range. I would be delighted to win one...perhaps the blogging one, or any geared toward stamping and paper crafts...if I am the lucky winner. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Anna!!! Wow..what a magnificently beautiful halloween tea party! I felt like i was living inside this magical storybook! DAZZLING ENCHANTMENT...you are a shining star of creative beauty! Thanks for this gorgeous adventure, the sparkling art-journey of photos...wonderful!! Generous giveaway too! And thankyou for creating and hosting this awesone event!
Hugs and sparkles..and thanks for your lovely visit!
yay..Happy halloween!
Oh Dear! I posted my link under the wrong post, lol!!! I came back with it last night, here's the link again:
Silly silly me!
A lovely magical tea party.
What a magical tea party! I enjoyed every minute of it and Lucinda was quite the conversationalist! Thank you for having me and I would love to be part of your giveaway.
What a wonderful party! Such yummy treats and enchanting company!
Thanks again Anna!!
ATTENTION any new followers of mine...I have a HUGE blog candy being drawn on Nov. 30th...there will be 115 items or more, and every wednesday i update the post with new items. there is a link on my side bar, right at the top.
Well I made it all the way thru the list in a very quick time for myself. HOORAY!!
this was once again a awesome time, thank you Anna!
Eeeeeeeeek!!! How come that I have missed this party???
I am ever so sorry I have missed it :-(
Charmed as always by your beautiful graphics, story and poetry and all of your whimsical friends, Edgar and Lucinda.Those buttery sugar cookies look so yummy , they be good with my tea while reading the party posts. Again, Thanks a bunch Anna for hosting the party; having fun.Oh and my ride I'm afraid was by coach, too pooped to fly and way too cold, rainy and sometimes even snowing.It sparkles too!
I also have another prize draw for this coming Sunday ~ HALLOWEEN October 31st / 2010 for a tiny seashell soldered bottle.
Annabelle.•*¨**.•**^..^•*¨**.•*¨*•*¨**.•* http://thewoodbeyondtheworld.blogspot.com/
can you add my blog to your list! will love to be there.
Thanks Andrea Berg
Thank you for a fun party - still traveling - and needing to provide some updates to mine - here is the link for you -
Thank you again
Oh..how lovely. So sad to have missed the party as I've just discovered you today - lucky me.
Hey ANNA!!
Sorry I'm late, I have been slowly but surely making my rounds :-) ... I am speechless, yet other spellbinding post from you !! Your cupcakes were FANTABULOUS!! I think I might bust at the seams if I have one more! You are so lucky to have Edgar to help you through October ... It's a good thing I had Penelope too , what a party mouse !! Blossom's story was so great, I am off to visit your fairy friend Marfi after here ! And the silverware windchimes from Theresa seemed to come in real handy! They look , and i'm sure sound so beautiful and spine chilling, tingling against the wind !! Thank you for offering the scrumptious pumpkin soup... it felt so good on my sore chest... you must have laced it with your healing magick, because I think this yucky cough is finally breaking up in time for the festivities this weekend ! I am so glad it at least happend last week , and not this week!! I'm still scrambling to finish my costume, decorate the house to it's fullest, buy the food and stuff , then finally prepare for the big party on Saturday night! I cannot wait to share the pictures with you all!! Well sorry for writing you a book, and I apologize for calling you Miss Vanessa.. it was getting very late towards the end of my post, and I was definitely probably feeling those meds, LOL!!
Well Penelope and I couldn't thank you enough for stopping by and enjoying some Pumpkin Cream Puffs :-) Thank you for being such a lovely hostess :-) Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!!
beautiful Anna...I enjoyed every moment of my most magically felt stay :0)
Tell Lucinda that it was a pleasure to meet her, we had wonderful talks about enchanted moonbeams and the fae...
Thank you also for providing us all with a place to park our brooms!! Indeed that can be troublesome but you thought of it all!
Blessed be wonderful lady
Trace oxo
OH, I am so glad I flew by, this is just my kind of party, magical and beautiful. The constantly falling fairy dust was wonderful. Come visit us old hags at our Witches In the Woods Tea Party
I'm from Spai, and I don't undertand all that very much. If you don't mind, can you told me what's that? I would stay here the next time!
I am trying not to make myself wrong...
I thought the party was on the 29...:(
(long sigh)
Visiting each and everyone in here this morning was beautiful, very inspiring... and in the spirit of forgiveness (self) I promise to bring to you some Dia de los Muertos photos, we are going to view the "ofrendas" tonight.
I just happened along this wonderful tea party. Although a year late in getting here (I had broom troubles and a spell backfired.. could have been a time travel spell, oh well the fact is I am here now and I have so enjoyed my self. Hope there shall be another this fall.
What a lovely and creative tea party. I just love looking at your site and ideas swirling in your head. Come by and see some changes to my site at atwistoflife.blogspot.com and very soon I will be introducing Sacred Mood - Blessings...Stormy
Just found your blog while surfin on the net..and I love you are doing here cause I also love Halloween time!! since I was a child!
Congrats for the good job here!!
You can also visit me :
P.d: Greetings from Spain!
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