Oh my goodness!! All this mixing and brewing and hexing baking... can really wear a witch out! I think I might just need an itty bitty break from all of that before I forget where my brain is.

I'm so excited about our Tea Party! I've been watching that moon outside and each night it gets rounder and rounder and I can just imagine how beautiful it's going to be on our party day! It will be simply magical.

I started digging around for my favorite stripy socks and made the most horrible discovery...it seems one of the orange and black ones went missing! I looked everywhere. Did I leave it at your party? I don't remember flying around with only one sock on. Of course I might have been a teensie bit lightheaded from all the delectable sweets I sampled so I very well might have left one poor little sockie with one of you. You will let me know if it turns up won't you?
And there's my sparkly spider ring in my brew. Oh I hope you won't mind a bit of glitter and spider leg in your tea!
That's better. I think my tea is almost done. I'll let it sit for a few more hours then it should be perfect when I see all of you on Saturday. Now back I go to getting everything nice and pretty for you. Alas it seems Blogger is still having issues with the image upload thingie. At least for me it seems to be. I hope they get it all sorted out.
See you very soon!
You got an award! :)
What a cute post...!
(And I can't find any of my Halloween socks either. Hmmmm, could there be sock madness afoot?
Hi there......you know....I've never been much of a Halloween gal.....but I gotta' tell you ...... you pretty much have it goin' on.....I love these creative posts of yours.
I just bought Halloween socks today! So excited for the tea party! Check out my blog for enhanting moon pictures that I posted in honor of our full moon weekend!!
See you Saturday luv!!
If this is a preview I will definitely be stopping by on Saturday. :) Beautiful.
So you beautiful! Lovely..i look forwrad to your post!!
me too!!!..I am having loads of trouble uploading photos..!!
best of luck to both of us ha ha!!
It must be the Lost Sock Fairy's way of inviting herself to tea!
Wonderful...I do so love spider leg in my tea...heehee...and glitter always makes everything better...hands down!
What a woundrous and awesome post. I can't wait till your Tea Party either. I wish I had had more time to join in....Hopefully next time.
You are spooktacular... I like spiders in my tea too.. Adds to the flavor....
I KNOW you are going to have the most fabulous post, Anna. I finished mine today and it's set to go live at 12:01 am. Hope it goes over well. :) The whole party is going to be so exciting - so happy to be a part of it! Theresa
HI again!! Have a happy wkd..i'll be away..but posted mine up..yay!..THANKYOU for creating this magical event...and for aaaaall the beauty and magic you shine and share! You are a special spirit!
I'll be sure to visit when I return!!
how did i miss this!!!!it's gorgeous..and i do believe you had on orange and black socks when you stopped by last month...hmmm
your tea looks lovely, i find that spiders sweeten it up so much, lol
have a great day.
Excited about the tea party.I'll be brewing something up too!
Sorry about your sockie, Anna! I'll be sure to watch for it on all the little witchy feet I hope will be visiting me tomorrow.
My post is all finished and uploaded on my blog. I can't wait to visit you tomorrow along with all the other tea party hostesses! What fun!
See you tomorrow!
Blessed Be,
Thanks for hosting Anna...you throw an awesome party!
Here is the link to my first ever party:
Happy Halloween!
Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event! It was wonderful flying around and having tea with all the wonderful bloggers out there.
Happy Tea time!
Blessed Be
Even though I missed the party, your blog is a party just by visiting. You have the best Halloween spirit here. Come say hi and see my haunted house I made this season Love your blog!!!!
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