i need an apron

This coming week my son graduates from 8th grade, I have guests coming from out of town, I'm participating in the Where Bloggers Create blog party and I gave myself a creative deadline I'm determined to meet.

I've been fluffing, cleaning and sprucing up my house the last few days and I'm looking at a few more days of the same. Not that I'm really complaining but what I need is inspiration.

What I need is a PINK APRON like any one of these from Dot's Dinerama on Etsy!

Aren't these fun and adorable?
One of these lovelies would surely inspire me to bring out the vacuum!

I think the middle one is my favorite with the
cupcakes and little pink pom poms.

For some reason I'm suddenly craving a strawberry milkshake!

Don't forget to visit me next Saturday when I get to give you a peek at my
creative space for the big Where Bloggers Create blog
party hosted by Karen Valentine!

Thank you again to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.
Pop over there for more fabulous pinks.


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt -- those are the most adorable aprons ever! Love them!! You find the cutest stuff!

Charo said...

Oh Wonderful aprons!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Catharina Maria said...

What a wonderful pink apron !
Have a nice pink Saturday !

LV said...

Those are the cutest aprons. They would be nice to wear to your party as well.

Sinderella's Studio said...

Thanks for the welcome to Pink
Saturdays!!! I am an artist wanna be and on my own creative journey! Loving blogland - although I am computer challenged so very elementary at my skills - sooooooo I just keep typing and creating - learning as I grow!!! Love your profile and good luck with the grad! On to High School - let the adventure begin!

Brittany said...

Stopping by from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party. Your blog is just lovely!

O my gosh -- those aprons are to die for! They would definitely make cleaning the house a lot more fun.

Becky said...

Those aprons are just too cute. I like the first one best, I think. Happy Pink Saturday.

Anonymous said...

What a great post, thank you for sharing. I'm in love with the aprons! Happy Pink Saturday! Esther XX

Leanne said...

I think I might need an apron, too! Although, that might leave the impression that I intend on doing some housework ... and I don't know if I want to give that impression right now! ;)

But these aprons, if I did want to give that impression, are PERFECT!

Gail said...

Those are darling aprons, I love the first one. See you next week for Where Bloggers Create.
Happy PS