angry cupcake curse

My brother and his wife were having dinner the other night and someone
smashed his car window and took his computer.  He can fix his
window. But he's a web designer and nearly all his work
is on his laptop. Needless to say he is just a bit stressed.

I've always been protective of my little
brother even now that he's not little anymore and he ends up
taking care of me now and then.

So I'm throwing an angry cupcake curse at those thieves!

They work sometimes.
I only use them when I'm vewy vewy mad!


Maggie said...

Oh Anna- that so sucks for your bother! I hope hope hope he backed up stuff frequently! yikes!

And I hope the curse works!

Leanne said...


Before I even get into this misfortune for your brother...I MUST say that an Angry Cupcake Curse is just about the BEST thing I have ever heard of! I LOVE THAT!

Now, to your brother... I AM SO SORRY! How completely maddening and awful for him. While I believe there is such GOOD in the world - every once in a while, a booger comes along to ruin it. I will be sending positive energy to your brother. Just remind him that something will come back and bite that person in the butt. I believe that.

Bossy Betty said...

Those thieves deserve the angry cupcake!!! Go get 'em!